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Without community support, Midland would not be the successful school that it has become. We owe many thanks to our school board, our volunteers, our Home & School, and our more than 300 loyal alumni.

Verified Volunteers

Ensuring the safety of students is a high priority at Midland. Every employee and volunteer who works with children in any Kansas-Nebraska Conference owned and operated institution is required to complete the Verified Volunteers training and background checks once every three years.

If you plan to volunteer at Midland, please stop by the office to arrange for your background check and training session or provide proof that you have already received training in the past three years. This includes those of you who are willing to go on class field trips.

The training session for Adventist Screening Verification can be found here:

Begin ASV Training

  ASV Instructions   

10 Things Teachers Wish Parents Knew


To help bridge the gap between home and school, TODAY.com asked educators what they wished parents knew about the work they do. To add a dose of fresh perspective to the daily, all-consuming grind of school, here are 10 things teachers wish parents understood about teaching.

So how many of these ideas are you familiar with? We hope most of them!

  1. Happy parents make happy teachers - Needing to please parents is constantly in the back of every teacher's mind.
  2. Give new teachers a chance - Trust teachers, give them the benefit of the doubt. As hard as it is, they're going to work twice as hard to earn your trust and respect.
  3. Embrace new ways of teaching - The way kids are taught today is different from how it was even several years ago, let alone how different it was when their parents went through school.
  4. It's okay for kids to fail (especially in middle school) - Parents don't want kids to fail, period. But teachers say there is a time and a place for that: middle school.
  5. Testing is not the end-all be-all - Sometimes, with the constant conversation of accountability and testing and scores, parents begin to think that we are just here to get their kid to pass a test.
  6. Be a good listener - Know that every child and adult needs improvement and not to come in thinking it’s teacher against parents. It’s not a battle. It’s trying to work together to help the child succeed.
  7. Your child’s homework is not your responsibility – it’s theirs - Don't make excuses for a child by saying things like homework didn't get done because of basketball practice.
  8. Stay involved, even when your kids are in high school.
  9. Teachers get sick, too - No parent is happy to hear that a child’s teacher was out — again. But teachers need to be operating at “110 percent,” and don’t take sick days lightly.
  10. Shhhh … don’t let kids hear negative talk - When you’re dishing about school, make sure your kids are out of earshot.

You can find the full article at TODAYParents.

After School Care

Feeling the need of some child care after school while you run an errand? Can't get to school from work until 6:00 pm? If so, Tracy Kreiter and Midland have some good news for you! Starting in August, Mrs. Kreiter will once again be providing after-school child care at Midland.

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