There are a variety of abbreviations and acronyms used at Midland and on our website. Here is a brief list - if you have additional suggestions, please let us know!
A&P - Anatomy & Physiology. Upper-level science class for high school students
ABC - Adventist Book Center. A Christian book store selling a wide variety of products, including vegetarian meat substitutes
ACT - American College Testing. A standardized test taken by high school students. Used to determine college eligibility and scholarship levels.
BAR - Broken Arrow Ranch. Youth camp where a number of our high school students work during the summer. Each August our high school students spend three days here; also the site for September's Environmental Camp for grades 5 and 6.
BJV - Boys Junior Varsity. One of the basketball teams available at Midland
BMS - Boys Middle School. One of the basketball teams available at Midland.
BV - Boys Varsity. One of the basketball teams available at Midland.
FACTS - Financial system used to evaluate requests for financial aid at school
GMS - Girls Middle School. One of the volleyball/basketball teams available at Midland.
GV - Girls Varsity. One of the volleyball/basketball teams available at Midland.
K12BTSN - K-12 Back to School Night. An annual first-day-of-school meeting for parents and other interested parties
RenWeb - Well, RenWeb! A Registrars package for recording student information and grades. Used by the ParentWeb portal to provide high school parents the ability to access grades on line.
KAIRS - Kansas Association of Religious and Independent Schools. Midland holds accreditation with this statewide educational organization. It is largest organization of non-public schools in the state, and has been in existence for more than 40 years.
KS/NE - Kansas / Nebraska Conference. The state-level organization for the Seventh-day Adventist Church (level 2).
MAA - Midland Adventist Academy. Shorthand for our school name.
MAP - MAP Assessment. Standardized test taken three times during the year by all students
MAUC - Mid-America Union Conference. The regional-level organization for the Seventh-day Adventist Church (level 3).
NCPSA - National Council for Private School Accreditation. Midland holds accreditation with this nationally recognized educational organization.
NAD - North American Division. The North American organization of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (level 4).
PE - Physical Education. Classes for students including exercise, sports, and healthy living.
PSAT/NMSQT - Preliminary SAT / National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. Standardized test taken by high school Juniors.
SA - Student Association. This is the student body organization for grades 9-12.
SDA - Seventh-day Adventist. The organized church body that Midland belongs to.
UAU - Union Adventist University. The closest Adventist college to Midland, located in Lincoln, NE. This is the site of yearly music festivals, sports tournaments, and college visits.
Navigation links
Midland's website has a concise set of tabs with drop-down menus for related pages. Here is a brief overview of what the tabs are for, and what you can find under each one.
Home - welcome page for Midland's website, breaking announcements, upcoming events
Calendar - School calendar
Parents - Parents web, enrollment forms, handbook, finances
Students - Student Association, testing, student events, awards
Our Staff - pictures and educational info about our staff members
Life@MAA - News from Midland, Mustang athletics, classroom events, hot lunch
Photos - Picture galleries, movies, and podcasts from Midland
Community - Alumni, favorite links, Home & School
Finances - Everything monetary for a Midland education
About Us - What Midland is, accreditation, history, how to contact us, newsletter