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FACTS Aid Assessment


Midland uses the FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment to help evaluate requests for financial aid.

FACTS / Assistance     ACE Scholarships

Families applying for financial aid will need to complete an application and submit the necessary supporting documentation to FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment by the July 1, 2024 deadline. If you would like to complete an application online, you may use the secure FACTS application website. Parents are invited to use the school’s computer lab if necessary. The following information is required for FACTS to process your application:

  1. Submitted online application
  2. Payment of the $40.00 application fee
  3. Copies of your previous year tax forms including all supporting tax schedules
  4. Copies of your previous year W-2 form for both you and your spouse
  5. Copies of supporting documentation for Social Security Income, Welfare, Child Support, Food Stamps, Workers’ Compensation, and TANF

If you would like more information about the company, feel free to visit their official website. FACTS works with nearly 5,000 educational institutions and over a million families each year, helping them to achieve their educational goals. They have been in business since 1986 and specialize in working with schools like Midland.

Families are also able to apply for the ACE scholarship when filling out the FACTS application. For more information on this scholarship and if you would qualify you can visit the ACE scholarship website.

If you have questions or concerns about the application process, you may talk to a FACTS Customer Care rep at 1-866-315-9262.


 KS Board of Education

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