May 2024

If you don't like the weather, wait a minute or two. This last month certainly proved that saying to be truer than ever! If you wait too long though, you'll miss out on the great things that happened. For example, this whole year passed quicker than a blink of an eye. (I lied, it was 6,566,401 blinks, I counted). 

This year was a good one, with many memories that will last a lifetime. Finals have final-ly wrapped up, and the Seniors and 8th graders are on their way to their next stage in life. Time flies when you’re having fun, and they've all proved it. It is a time of bittersweet joy for all friends and family, as friends are leaving, friends are arriving, and summer is too. 

Much has happened in this last month alone, making it almost as crazy as the weather! One of the teacher's dogs made a guest appearance, plays and musicals were performed, finals were taken, food was given out, and classes graduated. So much has happened in so little time. Time capsules buried, an appendix was removed, again, so much has happened! 

Now that school is over, a wave of relief comes across all who worked for this goal. The end of the year always somehow is able to be summed up in one adage: Ladies and gentlemen, it's been great, it's been fun, but now, we're done. I hope you all have a great summer and I hope to see you next year. God Bless.

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